
A deep curiosity drives me to explore the inner workings of nature and our interconnected landscape. I find inspiration in elements of the natural world that reflect the passage of time, such as birds, feathers, nests, and forests.

My creative process is deliberate and contemplative, marked by careful observation, collecting objects, sketching, and thoughtful assemblage. Through these practices, I aim to deepen my connection not only with nature but also with my own life.

I will be an Artist-In-Residence at Wilcox Park in Westerly, Rhode Island July 2025


  • Bird

    Look here for my explorations in hot wax combined with drawing and assembling found objects from nature on the topic of birdwatching.

  • Forest

    The life of trees and forests is explored through mixed-media methods and drawing.

  • Feather

    Handcrafted sculpture boxes and drawings explore the intricacies of feathers.

  • Nest

    Abandoned nests are the inspiration for the handbuilt sculptural boxes about these woven marvels.

Collect My Art

All profits from the sale of my art go directly to creating more work. By collecting my art, you’re supporting my ongoing artistic practice. Thank you!